Ruben Baars (Ruben Alexander Baars) is a 24 year old model born on
August 18, 1988 from Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. He has been modeling
since 2008 and in that time has been featured on many magazine covers.Ruben Baars is a truly yummy model
from the Netherlands who has appeared as Eye Candy in beautiful, bulging
color. These black and whites are more
contemplative but still portray Ruben's physical beauty.
When Ruben Baars was 17 he decided himself to venture to the gym
and started a bit with the iron to hurl. He had
no goal, just liked to become stronger. I had
no idea what he was doing and
klooide but what to.
he did not
eat differently, because Ruben Baars knew nothing about nutrition. It soon became clear that he had a lot of genetic
predisposition. Ruben Baars grew faster than the other
guys in the gym there was also faster stronger.
Then he got the hang of it. Ruben went me finding out more about training and nutrition and tried to apply it on my body. He booked thereby increasing
performance and it was not long before he fell in love
for the sport bodybuilding.
After 3 years of bodybuilding, Ruben weighed 105 kg with a fat content of 5%
with a length of 180 cm. This was my peak.
When Ruben
was approached to model do and he was forced to lean
muscle mass to deliver. If you're too big you
will not find a job as a model.
Until today Ruben
weigh around
94 kg toned during
photo shoots.